tisdag 22 juni 2010

Attitude is everything!

Attitude is the way you think. Your attitude is something other people actually can see. They can hear it in your voice, see it in the way you move, feel it when they are with you. Your attitude expresses itself in everything you do, all the time, wherever you are.

Positive attitude always invites positive results!
Negative attitude always invites negative results.

Attitude makes a difference every hour, in every day, in everything you do, for your entire life. What you get out of the thing you do will equal the attitude you have when you do it.

Anything you do with a positive attitude will work for you, anything that you do with a negative attitude will work against you.

If you have a positive attitude you look for ways to solve problems that you can solve and you let go of things over which you have no control.

You can develop a positive attitude by emphasizing the good, by being tough-minded and by refusing defeat.

Källa okänd.

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